A British Sugar Worker Lost Life Due to Asbestos Related Cancer
Many patients in the past have won their legal battle after getting exposed to asbestos for long. A similar case came to the surface after a sugar worker lost his life after getting exposed to asbestos related cancer.
The latest is that the family of a man, working in Ipswich has won a legal battle who lost his life after getting exposed to asbestos. In the legal battle that his family fought, he is known to have now recovered the cost of end of life care.
Percy Bird, from Woodbridge is the one who worked for the British Sugar Factory for over a decade in Ipswich, from 1980 to 1990.
He was diagnosed with mesothelioma 2 months before his death. Mesothelioma is basically a dreaded cancer that occurs over the lining of lungs and is most commonly associated with the exposure to asbestos.
The problem is that a person who gets exposed to asbestos takes months or even years to get the symptoms of the disease. There are various conditions that take place after a person gets a prolong exposure because of asbestos.
He died in September 2020, aged 85.
On the other hand legal experts or mesothelioma lawyers have gone through a final settlement for Mr Bird's loved ones. The verdict came to his favor only after the company admitted that his exposure to asbestos likely to have occurred during his working at the company.
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A British Sugar Worker Lost Life Due to Asbestos Related Cancer
Before his demise, Mr Bird gave all the instructions to mesothelioma lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to basically investigate it thoroughly from where he could have come into contact with the hazardous substance. After he expired, his family started investigating the case.
He actually worked with the maintenance team in the company. His duties involved working with the team and to also remove asbestos lagging from pipework in order to gain access. He would then sweep up the asbestos dust and put it in the bin.
It all started from July 16, 2020 when he started showing the symptoms of asbestos exposure in the form of having chest pains. Afterwards, he was taken to a nearby hospital for further tests.
It was on July 31, 2020 when he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. He received all the care from St Elizabeth Hospice before his demise.
He was a father of four, as well as grandfather to 10 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren.
Patricia said: “When Percy was diagnosed with mesothelioma, it was an awful shock for all of us and we struggled to comprehend what was happening.
“As his illness progressed, he struggled to eat and lost his appetite so he became very frail. Our children helped me round the house more and more as Percy deteriorated so quickly. It was horrible to see him go downhill and know there was nothing we could do.
“When we were told he had up to two weeks left, it was devastating as he thought he had another two to three years to live.
He had even been planning what to do with his time, which was to get a motorhome for us and tour the UK. Sadly, that never happened.
“We started getting help from the hospice and we made sure someone was with him the whole time. We were glad that he was able to remain at home until the end, as that was what he wanted.
Also Read: Biphasic Mesothelioma Diagnosis, Cell Types, Treatment & Prognosis
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