Over Half Lung Cancer Cases In Kolkata Due to Poor Air Quality

Lung Cancer Cases: Do you know that poor air quality has become the major contributor for over half lung cancer cases? Well, it looks scared but is the fact. 

lung cancer cases

The city in India is known to be a major air polluted one. And this is enough to cause complication when you start breathing in such an environment which is highly polluted with toxic pollutants mixed in the air.

Out of the majority of lung cancer cases, the city has piled up the cases that are linked with smoking. This is what experts concluded this Friday on the event of Lung Cancer Day.

Experts have to say that they have come through more patients of adenocarcinoma. It's mainly linked to the poor air quality. This is what a senior radiation oncology Suman Mallik says, “I have not found any history of smoking in more than half of my patients." he added.

Over Half Lung Cancer Cases In Kolkata Due to Poor Air Quality

Due to the alarming level of air pollution, Chandrakantha called people and authorities to take action to clean up the air and reduce the burden of diseases.

“Air pollution is considered to be the single largest threat to human health globally. By polluting the air, we are exposing the children to a greater risk," said senior pediatrics and neonatal medicine expert Abhijit Sarkar.

Some experts also observed a steep rise in the number of case of child patients with asthma, sinusitis and pneumonia. They believe that the exposure to over 10 microgram of PM25 (fine particulate matter per cubic meter of air) enhances the risk of developing the chances of cancer by up to 22%.

This is what head of radiotherapy, Dr. Bishan Basu, Calcutta National Medical College has to say, "In the absence of data on the prevalence of cancer affliction, we can only assume what we are seeing and discussing is only a tip of an iceberg and solutions are not as obvious as we think. 

But the cleaning up of ambient air should be the top priority as it is playing havoc with our lives, be it respiratory diseases, cardiac ailments or various types of cancer." he concluded.

Also Read: Immunotherapy Found to Benefit Older Patients With Cancer


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