Are You Living With Asbestos At Your Home? Stay Protected

Asbestos can be really dangerous if it exists in any form. So, you need to take care if it is there. But it doesn't mean you will allow it in your home. What we are trying to say is that asbestos is a really hazardous mineral found naturally on earth. There is already so much concern being spread regarding the health issues related to this mineral.

asbestos at home

So, it is advisable that you start building some measures for the asbestos abatement. If we talk about the presence of asbestos in your home then there is a slight possibility that your home might have been made out of it.

Now, how will you know if your home actually has asbestos? Well, you need to monitor your home to check if it contains asbestos related mineral. Please note that asbestos happens to be a red list items which must be removed from in and around your homes.

Asbestos Removal At Home

In case, you are able to detect if your home has the presence of asbestos, then you must take immediate measures to curb this menace from your home right away. Otherwise, it may become the reason of a number of life threatening ailments in the future.

Most of the time, you see the presence of asbestos in the form of tiles and other construction work in your house. Some other significant sources of asbestos happens to be in the form of insulation, roofing, and vinyl tiles.

Future of Asbestos

It was in December 2020 when EPA had issued a final risk of evaluation regarding the presence of chrysotile asbestos. It had stated that there are so many risks involved at all stages of a product’s lifecycle. 

Now, their next step is to propose and finalize some concrete actions against all those unreasonable risks. In the future there will be one less type of asbestos form that consumers would worry about.

Also Read: Chrysotile Asbestos: EPA Submits Section 6(a) Rulemaking to OMB for An Honest Review


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