A 79 Year Old Mesothelioma Victim Gets $10 Million Award After Getting Exposed to Asbestos Since Childhood

A mesothelioma lawsuit filed by George Kraemer relied basically on his exposure to asbestos when he was a young child growing up in Seattle. Kraemer's father worked for the Todd Shipyard months before Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He continued his duties just before the war actually began.

mesothelioma lawsuit

Being a father of three, he used to make asbestos-contaminated wrapping for insulation of pipes. And when he returned home back, the asbestos fibers were still remained on his clothing. And this led to his children exposed to asbestos since their childhood.

This case where a father became the carrier of mesothelioma is not the only case. There are several such tragedies happened in the past where one person became the carrier of mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure.

There are several such stories. Due to the continued asbestos exposure at his work, Charles died after getting diagnosed with a dreaded lung disease in 1970. The same fate happened to his brother who lost his life after getting diagnosed with asbestosis in 1980's.

Soon, a mesothelioma lawsuit was filed by George Kraemer against against Lone Star Industries whose previous company named Pioneer Sand & Gravel had supplied the contaminated insulation to the shipyard.

Also Read: 

World Health Organization (WHO) Opens A New Site cleansed of Asbestos


Mesothelioma’s Financial Burden Eased by $10 Million Award

After the jury decided to grant George Kraemer an award of $10 million, this is what he had to say, “We are grateful the court found in favor of our case. It set a precedent so others afflicted with this disease may find justice in the future. Our family has been through a lot in the past few years so the judgment will ease the financial medical burden, but moreover we’re just relieved to know those responsible have been held accountable. I was an innocent toddler when I was exposed to asbestos in my own home.” 

Just like the above, if you find anyone suffering from malignant mesothelioma or any other asbestos-related medical ailment, the first thing you are expected to do is to identify the source of the exposure. The next step will be to find a mesothelioma attorney to fight your case for the right compensation.

Also Check:

5 Known Reasons Why You Require A Mesothelioma Attorney




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